On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 22:19 -0400, Justin Popa wrote:
> In the correct thread now...
> For those who didnt see my post from earlier, I am back to using
> another repository for the at-stable information.
> http://mirrors.ircam.fr pub/atrpms/fedora/3/en/i386 at-stable
> This should be a near perfect mirror. It's working 100% for me right
> now. Don't mean to say avoid atrpms, but until this issue is resolved,
> this will work for most of you.
> I've noticed about 2-3 people say they were comcast. Anyone here
> having the problem on an ISP **OTHER** than comcast?

To not answer the question, but to provide another data point, I'm also
having the same problem. Also on Comcast.

-- Peter

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