On Jun 16, 2005, at 1:46 AM, Daniel Hoyos wrote:

Hey everyone,
I modified the URL to fedora 3 and everything seems to be starting to
install. I have no run into the following error however:

Error: Missing Dependency: libexif.so.9()(64bit) is needed by package

I did the same thing, switching to the FC3 repo on my FC4 box to install the current mythtv builds from atrpms.net. I also got the same error. The solution is to not use mythtv-suite and instead hand pick the myth components you want. Avoid mythgallery or any rpm which requires mythgallery.

You can get a list of all myth rpms available from atrpms.net with the command: "yum search myth | less". Make a list of rpms you want avoiding the obvious catch-all packages like mythtv-suite then run "yum install mythtv mythtv-frontend mythtv-backend ... etc" (names examples from memory, use the real package names. :) )

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