I don't know if you can use an && there, but you could do
/Applications/vlc/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC -l dummy $1 && osascript ~/Desktop/vlcfront

On Jun 18, 2005, at 7:02 PM, Robert Karaffa wrote:

I have made a little progress. I can make VLC play videos from MythVideo with this command:

/Applications/vlc/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC -I dummy

the "-I dummy" part removes the GUI, leaving only the video window. However, it will not come to the foreground without a little prompting. I figured out a kludge that works, but it is neither elegant nor, um, elegant. I created an Applescript:

on run
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "VLC"
            set frontmost to true
        end tell
    end tell
end run

Saved this applescript to the Desktop as "vlcfront".

I use an ATI Remote Wonder II to control my Mac frontend, so I assigned a key on the remote to run the above applescript.

So, I choose a movie in MythVideo, start it playing, then push the remote button that runs "vlcfront" and VLC becomes the frontmost application and thus, I get to see the video window. Like I said, it is a kludge, but it will suffice until I can figure a more, um, elegant, urm, solution. YMMV.

-Bob K.

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