Johan Reinalda wrote:

I have just added a page to the MythTV wiki at

This page details my experience installing a full 64-bit MythTV system running FC3-x86_64, and MythTV-x86_64. It is based on the great FC3 installation guide from Jarod Wilson, and shows the changes I found neccessary to get a 64-bit system up and running.

After having played on and off for 4-5 months with Myth, I now have had a 'production' system running for about 3 weeks, and the WAF is amazing :-) (especially since it includes our complete music library as well!)

I hope this is of use to some of you out there...


Fantastic Johan. This is just what I need. I need to upgrade my AMD64 FC2 and I was wondering how I was going to do it all. I didn't know if I should go FC3 32-bit or not. I'd like to stick with 64bit, but the FC2-64 was a somewhat of a pain to do. It's pretty broken as it is -- still works though and we've been using it since around Oct2004.

Did you install FC3 clean or was it an upgrade?  I'll check out your page.


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