Inline comments below:

On 6/22/05, Stef Coene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I created some php scripts so you can preview the myxer theme:
AWESOME!  That is a huge improvement from the last script.  Excellent work!  

> You can choose the background, watermarks and buttons.  It will generate a
> preview how mythtv will probably look.  This is not perfect.  I don't know
> the exact place of the menu and the images, but at least it will give you an
> idea how it will look like.

The placement looks great here. (although the preview might be nice if
it were a little larger)

> You can run it from my webserver (mirrors are welcome) or install it locally.
> It will not update the myxer config files, but it will give you the names of
> the used files.  

I ran it locally, and had to change only the following 2 things.

1.  In common.php line 5, it should probably read:

   $Myxer_dir = "/usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/Myxer/MyxerCustomizer" ;

2.  I had to adjust the sql permissions of my webserver user to 'no password'.

>  You still need to run the Myxer configuration script to, but
> at least you have an idea about how it will look like.

Maybe I'll update MyxerCustomizer to be able to take a 'copy&pasted'
output from Myxer_conf sometime.  That'd be pretty cool.

> I'm no going to spend a lot of time in these scripts because the new MythtUI
> will do probaly do a better job.  But I think it makes the myxer theme more
> attractive then it already was.

It certainly adds qute a bit to it, thanks!  I was looking over your
code, and I am sure it would have taken me 2-3 years to do that

As far as hosting, my webserver does not provide php support.  I could
eventually host it also on my local machine's webserver, but I would
have to tighten things up a little bit first.

Thanks for all your hard work,

Dave Hofstra
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