On 6/21/05, Steve Bower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "Nate" == Nate Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Nate> Thanks for the feedback, I saw a post somewhere that the PVR cards
> Nate> were included in the code database, but unfortunately I'm using a
> Nate> homebrew serial IR adapter. I'm wondering if I could just tell it
> Nate> I'm using a Phillips 1st generation Tivo (the remote I am
> Nate> currently using came from this system), then make manual changes
> Nate> to the buttons/layout as necessary? I think this would be the
> Nate> easiest way, since I already have the appropriate config files on
> Nate> my MythTV box, but it would mean more time using the Harmony
> Nate> software interface to get things right. Or perhaps use the
> Nate> PVR-remote config files from Jarod's site, but I'm not sure if the
> Nate> signals are compatible with my IR receiver.
> Nate> If anyone currently has config files for the harmony and a serial
> Nate> IR adapter and could send them my way, I'd really apprechiate it.
> Hi Nate,
> I'm doing basically that with my harmony remote (model H688), using the
> Tivo codes but with code set 2 (I still have a tivo in the room using
> code set 0).  The remotes.tar/tivo file that came from lirc worked
> perfectly for me.
> I just renamed the buttons in my lircd.conf so I could use UP, DOWN,
> etc., instead of 2_UP, 2_DOWN, ...
> My lircd.conf is here:
>  http://www.employees.org/~sbower/lircd.conf
> I made some mappings in the harmony config app and my .lircrc to adjust
> which keys I want to do what (like the pg+/- keys transmit thumbs+/-,
> which become Z/Q for commercial skip).
> Good luck!  :-)
>  Steve.
> --
> Steve Bower - IT/EHS Unix Administrator - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The ideas presented herein aren't necessarily the ideas presented herein.
Steve - 

Glad to see someone had the same idea as I did. I was wondering if you
could post your .lircrc file so I can see how you mapped the signals
to keypresses.

Thanks for your help,

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