On 6/22/05, Pete Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have MythTV setup on an Athlon 2000+ machine, with 512MB ram and all is
> good.
> That is, unless I try to watch live tv...( I haven't tried recording yet
> :-).
> After about a minute or so the picture stops and the console window is full
> of "prebuffering pause" messages.  I understand that this could be an issue
> to do with the via chipset on the motherboard?
> If so, is there a remedy (other than buying a new motherboard - that would
> be the last resort ;-).

I don't have any experience with VIA systems (other than my archaic
Pentium MMX Asus board ...) so can't give any advice on that front.
However, it could also be audio related - ensure ALSA (if you're using
that!) is setup correctly - try the extra audio buffering/aggressive
buffering available in the frontend setup and see if this has any
effect on things.

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