
Do you have any idea which Senator may be introducing the amendment?

That would be very helpful info to have when we call our Senators.

Thanks again,

On 6/22/05, Wendy Seltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We don't have a bill number, and no reports that the flag was raised in the
> subcommittee yesterday.  Rumors are that it could still be added as an
> amendment at the full committee markup tomorrow.
> Thanks for all the calls!
> --Wendy
> At 09:14 AM 6/22/2005 -0500, Lane Schwartz wrote:
> >Wendy,
> >
> >Do you have the name and numbers of the relevant bill and amendment?
> >
> >I called my senator's office yesterday morning. When I called this
> >morning to follow up, the staffer was very helpful, but wasn't able to
> >pull any status info without a name or number.
> >
> >Also, do you know what happened in subcommittee yesterday?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Lane
> >
> >
> >On 6/20/05, Wendy Seltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > We've heard rumors that the Broadcast Flag that we, EFF, and a
> > > coalition of pressure groups have fought so hard against (and beat in
> > > the courts) will be sneaked back via an amendment to the giant Senate
> > > Appropriations Bill in a sub-committee at 2PM EST on Tuesday 21st.
> > > This week is Hollywood's last chance to ram the flag past Congress,
> > > and they're working hard to get it under the radar.  As you know, the
> > > Broadcast Flag would make it illegal for pcHDTV or Air2PC to keep
> > > making or importing HDTV tuner cards in the U.S.
> > >
> > > If you're in any of the following states, your Senators are members
> > > of the sub-committee. People of Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa,
> > > Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico,
> > > North Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin - it's up to
> > > you!
> > >
> > > There's a sample script after the phone list. Remember: be cool,
> > > collected and polite. Most of these senators won't know a thing about
> > > the flag, until one of them makes it a throwaway amendment tomorrow.
> > > Make sure their ears twitch when they hear "broadcast flag" today.
> > >
> > > ALABAMA Senator Richard Shelby (202) 224-5744
> > > ALASKA Senator Ted Stevens (202) 224-3004
> > > HAWAII Senator Daniel Inouye (202) 224-3934
> > > IOWA Senator Tom Harkin (202) 224-3254
> > > KANSAS Senator Sam Brownback (202) 224-6521
> > > KENTUCKY Senator Mitch McConnell (202) 224-2541
> > > MARYLAND Senator Barbara Mikulski (202) 224-4654
> > > MISSOURI Senator Christopher Bond (202) 224-5721
> > > NEW HAMPSHIRE Senator Judd Gregg (202) 224-3324
> > > NEW MEXICO Senator Pete Domenici (202) 224-6621
> > > NORTH DAKOTA Senator Byron Dorgan (202) 224-2551
> > > TEXAS Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (202) 224-5922
> > > VERMONT Senator Patrick Leahy (202) 224-4242
> > > WASHINGTON Senator Patty Murray (202) 224-2621
> > > WISCONSIN Senator Herb Kohl (202) 224-5653
> > >
> > > "Hello, Senator _________'s office"
> > >
> > > "Hi, I'm a constituent. I'm registering my opposition to the
> > > broadcast flag amendment being introduced in the Senate Commerce
> > > Justice and Science Appropriations subcommittee mark-up on Tuesday,
> > > and in full committee on Thursday."
> > >
> > > (*** You can give your own reasons for opposing the flag here. Here's
> > > a sample: ***)
> > >
> > > "I've been developing my own television-watching technology -- but I
> > > won't be able to buy new parts if the Broadcast Flag goes through."
> > >
> > > "The Broadcast Flag cripples any device capable of receiving
> > > over-the-air digital broadcasts."
> > >
> > > "It give Hollywood movie studios a permanent veto over how members of
> > > the American public use our televisions."
> > >
> > > "It forces American innovators to beg the FCC for permission before
> > > adding new features to TV."
> > >
> > > "It will prevent fair use of copyrighted works: critical review, and
> > > use of material in distance learning"
> > >
> > > "This is an important issue which will affect all Americans, and
> > > should not be inserted in a large bill, at the last moment, with no
> > > debate."
> > >
> > > "Please oppose the broadcast flag amendment. My name and address are
> > > ___________________."
> > >
> > > "Thank you for your time."
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > > --Wendy
> > > --
> > > --
> > > Wendy Seltzer -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Electronic Frontier Foundation
> > > Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School
> > > http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/seltzer.html
> > > http://www.eff.org/broadcastflag/
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > mythtv-users mailing list
> > > mythtv-users@mythtv.org
> > > http://mythtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >--
> >Meetup with other Myth users!
> >http://mythtv.info/moin.cgi/MUG
> --
> Wendy Seltzer -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Electronic Frontier Foundation
> Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School
> http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/seltzer.html
> Chilling Effects: http://www.chillingeffects.org/

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