Mythweb Questions for all :

mythweb 0.18 -- i get  Beer theme ?? How do I get rid of it !
mythweb 0.18.1 -- no more beer but some other language theme !


Good to hear that your problems got fixed !!
WAF is super high for the LP2 :-)

Regarding, scheduling recording etc. You can goto mythweb on your mythbox
from LP2. I've created an html page on the docroot of wizd which has 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ l /myth/wizd_root/
total 16
-rw-r--r--   1 mythtv mythtv   74 Jun 18 07:44 MythWeb.html
drwxr-xr-x  42 mythtv mythtv 4096 Jun 12 08:48 Photos/
drwxr-xr-x   2 mythtv mythtv 4096 Jun 12 08:25 Radio/
drwxr-xr-x   5 mythtv mythtv 4096 Jun 18 07:33 Videos/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ cat /myth/wizd_root/MythWeb.html 
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=";>

Where is my mythweb IP address.
When you click on the MythWeb.html link in the LP2, it takes you to
the mythweb page :-)

Now the wierd part, I only see the Australian Beer Theme (running 0.18
version). If I upgrade to 0.18.1 myth (including mythweb), then I get
some foreign language. Beer theme is okay as I can schedule recording
based on beerology protocol.

Since LP2 is not a full fledged web client, I'd like to see a real
simple stripped down web interface (may be similar to WAP) ported for
it. As I see, we will see more of these devices in future connected to
mythtv. Dont know if/how I can configure mythweb to run in WAP mode
when communicating with LP2.

I've written some scripts which creates soft links from the programs
in  /myth/tv directory to directories under docroot. For eg,

lrwxrwxrwx  1 mythtv mythtv 47 Jun 21 20:43 /myth/wizd_root/Videos/TV
-> /myth/tv/1032_20050606213100_20050606220400.nuv

So I can browse the wizd server directories on the LP2 and then watch
the recorded shows.

More later when I've a working version of liveTV :-)


On 6/22/05, john sturgeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/22/05, Mudit Wahal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I believe LP2 is a complete uPNP client. You can check their forums on
> > their website . They have list of several 3rd
> > party servers.
> >
> > I'll check out cybergarage. But I'm almost done modifying the wizd
> > server to play the liveTV file (ringbuf) and change channels :-)
> >
> > On 6/22/05, Robert Kulagowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > also the iodata forum has some info about the linux server (wizd) and
> > > > about mpeg2-ts. The only major problem that stopped me from buying LP2
> > > > was inability to FF/REW on the TS streams. But their June 3rd firmware
> > > > release fixed that.
> > >
> > > Is the LP2 a full uPNP client?  There's a uPNP framework (and some
> > > MythTV interface code) over at
> Time for me to chime in.
> I finally got my LinkPlayer on the network (bad network HUB was the
> problem).  Wow... I love the thing.  It's interface can be a bit
> clunky at times, but where it really counts, it shines, and that's
> playback of High Definition content over the network.  As an option to
> over the network, you can encode an hour or two of HDTV to MPEG-4 and
> fit it easily on a DVD and drop it into the player for direct play...
> (who wants to wait for HD-DVD standards to sort themselves out now
> that I've got a DVD player that can already do it ;)
> The 'corporate' version of the LinkServer is actually quite
> functional, as is the wizd server.  The wizd server is far more
> flexible in terms of configuration options, but the interface isn't
> quite as nice.
> Overall, I'd have to say that my MythTV frontend is now in jeopardy of
> being replaced.  I had originally intended to drop the LinkPlayer
> upstairs in the bedroom as a second frontend, but the WAF factor is so
> high that I am probably going to make this my defacto front end.
> The only really bad problem I have (so far, until somebody writes a
> new interface) is that I cannot get program guide data, and schedule
> recordings from the LinkPlayer.
> --
> John Sturgeon <><
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