If you are looking for more user friendly software/hardware which can
do HDTV, then goto Sony HD recorder which has ATSC tuner builtin
[https://www.onecall.com/PID_25076.htm]. You can also get HD-Tivo,
dont know how much it costs.

You will save time and mental agony of setting your own system. It'll
probably be cheaper now and in the long run. But you will sacrifice
the upgradibility and pride and joy of building your own HD-DVR.

My HD setup:
Sempron 3000+ and ECS KT600A ($100 at frys)
512MB DDR ($35 AR frys)
180GB HD ($40AR at frys)
DVD-R ($5 AR .. got rebate after 6 months .. officemax maddog ..)
HD3000 - $175 (this is second pci card, had to replace the first one
as it was not working)
RG6 100ft cable - $30 (frys)
ATX Case -- free -- picked up from office junk yard

SD Frontend:
Media MVP - $85 at ccity

HD Frontend:
IOData Avel Link Player2 - $256

Total cost: $720
Agony and pain of setting it up in last 1 month: priceless !
Bragging about your home brew HD DVR: who cares !


On 6/22/05, Mike Criqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking to put together my first MythTV box.  There are a few things I
> would like though, so I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the right
> direction.
> First, I want to house this thing in a small form factor box.  Perhaps you
> have some suggestions?
> Second, I want to be able to record HD OTA programming. Video card, capture
> card suggestions?
> Third, if possible I'd like the HD out to be both DVI and component if that
> is possible.
> If you could suggest the most user friendly hardware to get this project
> going, I would be very appreciative.
> Thanks, and I look forward to chatting with all of you.
> D
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