I think this is a problem with the nvidia driver. The default color for the video overlay is blue so it outputs blue for resolutions that do not take up the whole screen. You have to use the xvattr command to set the overlay color to black:

xvattr -a XV_COLORKEY -v 0

You may have to install xvattr.


Oskar Lissheim-Boethius wrote:

Switched from mplayer to Internal as the video-player of choice in KnoppMyth, and now I get a fat blue bar on the top every time I play a wide-screen movie. I use nvtv for overscan (since I use a shitty Geforce2MX S-video) but before I did I still got a thin blue line to the left and top of the movie. On 4:3-movies it doesn't show up.

The command I use is simply "Internal".



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