I don't think so. I believe I have tried changing the fonts with different themes to no avail.

I am also currently using 100dip fonts, and I can tell that MythCenter wasn't quite made for the larger fonts. Most things look fine, though.

Phill Edwards wrote:

However... is this *really* the solution?  What about all the font size
options in the Myth config?  You can set the point sizes for small, medium,
and large fonts.  On my machine, changing those has never done anything and I
don't know why.  That's why I eventually used the dpi hack method.

From reading the other messages, it seems that most people try changing the
font sizes first, then fall back to changing the dpi when that doesn't work.

So... what's wrong?  Why don't the font items in the config menu change
anything?  Does it have to do with the environment?  I'm running Myth on a
Debian machine using AfterStep as my WM.  Aside from font issues, I haven't
had any problems at all.

I agree. I tried changing the font size in setup and it didn't appear
to make any difference to anything. I'm using the MythCenter theme if
that makes any difference. Maybe it's a theme support thang?

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