LiveTV is a very useful feature (that I use all the
time), in a couple of circumstances:
1. I don't really want to record the show - I'll watch
it if I catch it, but I don't want to deal with the
hassle of deleting the unwatched recording
2. I'm kind of bored, and not necessarily looking for
something in particular to watch.

Note that in (2), I don't even try to channel surf - I
mean, that's what having a program guide is for,

I use LiveTV several times per week, in fact, I'm
using it right now.  Mind you, the TV is pretty much
background noise as I type this.  :)

-- Joe

--- "J. Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm not real clear on why anyone would channel surf
> and try to figure out what to watch via their mythtv
> box. First of all, you'll have to watch commercials
> (blech!). Second, you have to deal with the pause
> between channels, not to mention the fact that your
> box is running hard for no reason, having to
> compress a video signal, write it to disk, read it
> from the disk, decompress it, and deliver the video
> output.
> At our house, on the rare occasion that we watch
> live TV, we just bypass the MythBox. On the even
> more rare occasion that we find something on live TV
> that we might want to pause or be able to rewind,
> we'll just switch over to Myth. I'd say that happens
> maybe once every 60-90 days, max.
> Maybe I'm in the minority, but 'Live-TV' is by far
> the least used function on my Myth.
> (That will be $0.02 please)
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