On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 13:44 -0700, Brian May wrote:
> Jeff volckaert wrote:
> > Thanks for replying.  I will try the FC3 RPMs.
> >
> > I had Mythtv and FC3 working fine but then had to wipe my server for a
> > different reason.  After that wipe the jitter came up.  I don't think
> > Mythtv is the issue.  I think it's IVTV.  I have tried about four
> > drivers from stable and unstable with varying degrees of success from
> > way worse to almost normal.
> >
> > I thought I would try FC4 just to get a fresh start.
> >
> > I have had Mythtv running for a couple years now without anything but
> > minor issues (like xmltv).  It seems like the problems came about
> > after the PVR-150 support was added to IVTV (I have a PVR-250).  Just
> > a hunch.
> Jeff,
>       I have something similar...  I had FC3 on a frontend that used the CPU
> to decode the mpeg2 videos that my backend with a PVR350 encoded.  With
> FC3, playback was very smooth and everything was great with the world.
> Over the weekend I upgraded to FC4 and now the playback is choppy.  I
> have no clue what the source of the problem is, my machine isn't slow
> either, AMD 2800+ with a gig of memory.  I'll have to test to see if DVD
> playback is normal or choppy.

        After some testing, DVD playback is also very choppy.  I ran xine-check
and it says:

[ hint ] Your X server doesn't support YV12 overlays.

[ hint ] Your X server doesn't have any XVideo support...

        ATrpms has unichrome RPMs for fedora core 3, which I was using when I
had fedora core 3 installed.  I'm assuming that this is, at least, where
my problem lies.  My video card is an on board S3 UniChrome..

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