Attempting to watch live tv or watch a recorded show
locks up my PC.  keyboard doesn't work, even caps lock
won't light up.  

Following Jason's guide, the test video capture and
replay works fine.  

I have enabled loging on the Mythtv suite, but it has
yet to capture it to a log, at least within mythtv. 

1st, where are the backend and frontend logs located? 
I've looked in var/log/messages with little
I've also looked in /var/log/mythtv and the only log
there is mythfilldatabase.log  

a helpful pointer of log locations, or where to find
them would be nice, then I can start troubleshooting
the specifics in the logs.  Or are they supposed to be
under /var/log/mythtv/?

also any hints on what might be crashing?

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