Mario Limonciello wrote:
Michael T. Dean wrote:
Mario Limonciello wrote:
I Have a PVR250-MCE in my machine and have been using ivtv 0.3.3y
for quite some time without a hickup. Recently I updated to a current
CVS and just today realized that I'm unable to tune higher channels (as
in the 70s or so), and that I just get this error message spit out in my
face in dmesg:
Sounds like you're specifying a tuner type in your module options.
I checked and wasn't specifying a tuner type, but I am autodetecting and
letting it get the appropriate type for my card (47).
The behavior you describe is consistent with using a type 39 tuner
definition with a type 47 tuner (inability to tune channels > 61). Some
IvyTV versions had a broken tuner module (with missing tuner definitions
and improperly numbered tuners)--and, IIRC, the type 47 was mapped to 39
with the definition for 39 changed to that for 47. The current versions
have fixed the discrepancies in the tuner module, so it's possible you
were using a broken tuner module and didn't unload the tveeprom module
(and, so, weren't using the updated tveeprom module for autodetection),
so it kept detecting your tuner as the wrong one.
Oddly enough, I just had an unrelated nvidia xid so I had to reboot.
After the reboot this started to work fine again. My only worry now is a
recoccurrence. I have had this box working fine since Jan or so this
year and nothing of the such ever happened.
I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably related to the driver update,
so--if it does happen again--it should be relatively infrequent
(and--assuming you update at "appropriate" times--you'll have some time
to reboot).
Remember, also, that since the IvyTV developers cannot sign the NDA's
for all the components in the PVR-x50's, they didn't get information on
how to properly reset the cards. Therefore, the only known working way
to force a full reset is to power off the system (for about 30 seconds
or more). So, it's always worth powering off and waiting 30 seconds or
so before powering on and trying again.
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