On Thu 23 June 2005 18:20, Stuart Morgan wrote:
> On Thu 23 June 2005 17:40, Wendy Seltzer wrote:
> > Lately (recent CVS), I've been finding the frontend often hangs when I
> > try to delete a show (at the Yes, Yes and allow re-record, No screen) or
> > when I leave the Watch Recordings screen.  Nothing crashes; the frontend
> > simply stops responding, and the only way to get it back is to stop and
> > restart the frontend.
> >
> > Anyone else seeing this?
> I'm seeing the frontend 'crash' when exiting the watch recordings screen.
> What actually happens in my case is that the Mythfrontend window disappears
> but the program is still running and I have to Ctrl+C it in the console.

I am now able to reproduce this bug consistently.
-> Go to Recordings screen
-> Change the "Group View" on the recordings screen (Do nothing else!)
-> Hit Escape once nothing happens !?
-> Hit Escape again and the Myth QT window goes AWOL.
-> Frontend has to be killed and restarted

If after changing the "Group View" I navigate right to the recordings 
themselves then it doesn't crash for some reason. 
Stuart Morgan
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