On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 22:44, Kelly wrote:
> On 6/28/05, Chuck Vohs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My kids deleted just about every recording on my myth box.
> > The status still shows a lot of disk space used.
> > Is there a way to recover these deleted recordings?
> I'll break the bad news:
> no

Actually, it depends on which file system you're running.

First, stop anything that is writing to the file system and remount it

Second, copy everything that's important off.

Third, google on the name of the file system and "undelete" for
instructions on how to achieve what you want.

I know it can be done with Rieser--fortunately, I had a convenient
listing of the files with their lengths from before the disaster, as the
undelete didn't preserve the file names, so I was able to put them
back.  Also, in my case they weren't deleted from the mysql database, so
I didn't have to play any tricks with Myth to get it to recognize the

It is possible--it's just likely a lot of work.

I would recommend renting the shows on DVD or waiting for reruns.


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