Brett Stevens wrote:

Thanks for the info. However can I ask for some design tips. There will be a
backend server and 4 clients with a max of 4 very selfish and demanding
users. The server will cope with more than that, in fact I think it is probalbly
able to handle double. The clients Im thinking of via epia m and minimith
via nfs 100/1000mb wired lan

I was orriginaly thinking of tuners in the clients as this would allow the
live tv function but what about recording.

LiveTV will work on any frontend regardless of which backend the tuner is on--i.e. the tuner does not have to be local for LiveTV.

If I allow for, say 2 recorders
in the server this would allow for 1/2 the users to watch and record at the
same time this may be a problem. However if recording can be done from one
of the set top boxes this would be ok.

Yes, you can create combined frontend/backend machines. You can have as many backends as you want (one primary/master and the others are slaves). You can have as many frontends as you want. Frontends and backends are logically separate--even if they exist on the same machine--so you get the same result having a separate frontend and backend as you get with a combined frontend and backend.

Now I know that this can be done but
what happens if someone wants to use this set top whilst a recording is
underway or what happens to the scheduled recording.

If a tuner is free--regardless of which backend has that tuner, it can be used for LiveTV or recordings. If no tuners are in use and a machine is a combined backend/frontend (i.e., it has a local tuner), that tuner gets a higher priority than remote tuners (although this can be altered with user-specified priorities). But, if the local tuner is not available, a remote one can still be used.

Even if a combined frontend/backend is in the process of recording something, the frontend can be used for something unrelated to the current recording (i.e. watching a DVD, a video, or a previously-recorded program). I never watch TV while it's being recorded (so I can skip commercials and playback at faster-than-real-time), and I only have a single combined frontend/backend, so it's often recording shows (sometimes multiple) while I'm watching a previously-recorded program.

Can it be automatically
switched to an idle card, either in the server or a free set top?
Instead of moving the already-in-progress recording, the frontend will simply request the services of an idle card.

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