On 6/29/05, John Pullan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 28/06/05, Johan Heikkilä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 6/29/05, John Pullan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Have you tried the prefered languages setting ?
> > >
> > > insert into settings (value, data) values ('PreferredLanguages', 
> > > 'fin,eng');
> > > --
> > > John
> > >
> >
> > I tried. It didn't change anything. Still fetched randomly in Swedish
> > and Finnish. But isn't this setting for the audio track?
> >
> Should work for evrything. Apparently it doesn't.
> --
> John

I just got a message from another MythTV user. This seems to be a
common problem in Finland and is not related just to Myth. I don't
have any standalone DVB box, that's why I didn't know that this is a
problem on those, too. Apparently the problem is on the broadcasting
side. PVRs are becoming more common now, so maybe more people notice
this problem. Sorry for bothering the list with this, although it
certainly is good to take into account when tweaking things in MythTV.

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