Michael T. Dean wrote:
> Craig Tinson wrote:
>> Just switched to the *excellent* Myxer theme (with a little
>> customisation)
>> And I got to wondering.. how can the font be changed? I've looked in
>> the xml files and they all seem to use Trebuchet (even though I can't
>> even find that font on my system)
>> If I have, say, a windows TTF font or even another linux font.. can I
>> just change the font name in the xml files? I seem to recall giving
>> this a try before and it not working
> Did you use a font name that's available in the output of fc-list?
> Mike

makes sense.. no I didn't.. so just added it and it's appearing there
now (in fc-list) and I can use it in X apps (gedit etc etc)

I've changed *all* instancies of "Trebuchet Ms" in ui.xml and
restarted..switched themes to get rid of the themecache (if thats
important) and it's still got it's default font..

am sure I'm just missing something simple.. but not sure what

thanks for any help


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