Gabe Rubin wrote:
I appologize if this is somewhere in the archives, I could not find it.

I recall reading that it is possible to have myth save your searches,
and if the show is not in the listings right then, but at some point
does pop up, then myth will now to add it to the recording schedule
(or it is already in the recording schedule).  How do I go about doing
this?  I tried searching for a show and did not get any responses, but
want myth to record it when it does get added to the listings (if it
ever does).

No problem. On the Search popup there is a button called "Record"
which brings up a recording options page that will create a rule
for the search term. There don't have to be any current matches
in order to use the "Record" button. Highlight your search on the
popup list then press Tab or "M"enu to shift focus to the buttons
and click Record. You could choose to record once for, say, a movie
title or anytime for all future programs that have a match.

--  bjm
mythtv-users mailing list

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