"Mark Knecht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/30/05 11:48 AM >>>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/29/05 10:09 PM >>>
I am planning on a DVD player and an HDTV antenna.  I know a
lot of people recommend cable or satellite.
Don't get a DVD player.  Get a DVD drive for your Myth box.
Maybe, but only for the kid's rooms....the picture from my DVD
with any of the Linux players I've tried is nowhere near as good as
Denon DVD player. If you care about movies get a really top notch
player and enjoy.

Just my 2 cents,

I just got tired of having to replace the media.  I have no more DVDs 
to deal with, except the ones I rent.  And those that are scratched 
enough that if I really cared, I'd buy it, hook up my trusty Denon 
DVD-5910 (which has a nice layer of dust on it), and watch it.

Oh, then I'd rip it and put it in myth as either an ISO or an mpg 
and dare anyone to tell the difference.  The convenience of 
not having to search around for it, while also being able to 
watch it on any TV where I have a myth frontend FAR outweighs 
the picture quality I think might have an advantage by playing 
right through the DVD player itself.



_______________________________________________ mythtv-users mailing list
Thank you all for your responses.  This has been extremely helpful and the fog is starting to clear.

Paul thanks for your suggestion of dumping my 300 cd carousel.  I like the carousel but I like the idea better and it should only take about 150 gig hd to do it.  Does mythtv or some addon piece of software automatically download all the track title and artist info and allow you to search your CDs on HD to find and play music?

Also Paul, you stated at one time that "you dare anybody to tell the difference between a dedicated DVD and MythTV playing it".  Is this from the DVD drive or after you copied it ot HD.  Later you mention that HD is worth the image loss.  Please clarify.  Somebody mentioned that Linux DVD players are not up to par.  If you found one that is please inform us.  We rent a lot of DVD and I can't see copying them all to HD before playing them. 

Thanks again for all the help,

Chris Lopeman
mythtv-users mailing list

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