On 7/2/05, Daniel Polak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just added the UK Radio Times grabber to my setup (I already run
> another grabber for the rest of my channels).
> After my first grabber has done its thing mythfilldatabase says:
> config file /home/mythtv/.mythtv/SkyDigibox.xmltv is empty, please
> delete and run me with --configure
> ------------------ End of XMLTV output ------------------
> Error in 1:1: unexpected end of file
> Updating icons for sourceid: 2
> Updated programs: 0  Unchanged programs: 0
> Failed to fetch some program info
> It looks like mythfilldatabase can't find SkyDigibox.xmltv but this
> still happens after I've run:
> /usr/bin/tv_grab_uk_rt --config-file
> /home/mythtv/.xmltv/tv_grab_uk_rt.conf --output
> /home/mythtv/.xmltv/SkyDigibox.xmltv
> and then run mythfilldatabase.
> Does anybody know why tv_grab_uk_rt.conf won't work?
> Daniel
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 The problem is in the file location

> After my first grabber has done its thing mythfilldatabase says:
> config file /home/mythtv/.mythtv/SkyDigibox.xmltv is empty, please

But tv_grab_uk_rt says

> /home/mythtv/.xmltv/SkyDigibox.xmltv

so move this to

and you should be sorted.

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