I've got a lirc ir receiver plugged into the internal com port header
on the epia. Fits nicely inside a cubid case with a little ir window
cut out below the floppy.
Works a charm with a sky+ remote which includes a mini keyboard.

On 7/2/05, Matthew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 01/07/2005, at 11:24 AM, Pane, Chris wrote:
> > So – Today my motherboard arrived and I realized I hadn't come up  
> > with a remote control solution. My prototype myth box as a mast/ 
> > slave PC with a PVR250, and I got lirc working with that. My back  
> > end in my real deployment will be that same PC, with the PVR250  
> > card being used for PVR Functionality, but since it is not part of  
> > my front end, is of no use.
> >
> >
> >
> > So my question (Which I am currently researching as I type).
> >
> >
> >
> > What are people with EPIA m10000 doing for remotes
> >
> I ended up using the remote that came with the VisionPlus DVB card.  
> It's base station makes it look like a USB keyboard so, rather than  
> setting up LIRC, the thing is to remap application keys to match the  
> remote. Myth, mplayer and xine all let you do that, so it's worked  
> quite well. It sounds icky, and I was planning on putting in a  
> "better" solution, but this has worked surprisingly well, so I'll  
> likely not bother.
> Matt.
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