On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 05:19:35PM -0400, Egeekial wrote:
> I like many others have a wireless keyboard for my Mythbox. One
> thing I would like to be able to do with this keyboard is to surf
> the web using Mythbrowser, but I find that very difficult
> considering that some keys don't actually type but are actually
> bound to do something else (for example, move the mouse). How can I
> change the functionality of Mythbrowser to allow the keyboard to be
> used for purely typing within Mythbrowser?
> Also, is it possible to type in URLs on the fly?

If you're committed to using a real keyboard, then there's no point to
using mythbrowser. You may as well use a real window manager, switch
to a different virtual desktop, and fire up mozilla or firefox or
something and use that to surf the web (and not worry about keys being
co-opted by mythtv).


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