
What i also noticed is in the configuration menu, under recording
profiles, i can't change the sound bitrate. It is now on 48000, but i
can't change this.



> The old HD contains everything exactly the same distro etc.. as my 'new'
> HD. The 'new' HD is an exact copy and then upgraded to the latest
> versions.
> My soundcard is working. I can play with mythvideo and mythmusic through
> the soundcard. I looks like i can get sound trough the tuner.
> I've check the log file directly, but i don't see strange things in it.
> gr
> Patrick
>> Can you clarify the following points please.
>> Was the 0.16 on an old HD, with exactly the same OS as your current
>> running version? I ask this as if it is (as I would suspect) a module
>> issue, then booting a previous OS wouldn't show the problem.
>> Does your soundcard work? Can you play standard audio through it and
>> get sound out?
>> If your soundcard is working, the problem might show in your standard
>> log file (e.g /var/log/messages) post the content between the "Start
>> IVTV" and "End IVTV" comments.
>> Ant.
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> --
> gr.
> patrick
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