
I've had a twin backend running well for a few versions now.. the setup is ...

- Master backend, no frontend
- One tvcard - highest priority
- Mysql server
- on 24x7 as it's the family fileserver as well
- hidden in the garage, not used for display

- Backend
- Frontend
- 2 cards, including a card with different channels
- No wake on Lan available
- Want to turn this off when not in use

I've looked at the docs on shutdown/wakeup, but this seems to be for turning off all of the network. Obviously I only want to turn off the slave... I don't want to shutdown the master server at all.

I've got nvram-wakeup working, but how does the slave know when to shutdown? Can I use a script to spot when there is a window for shutdown and set a restart time for the next recording?

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