Cameron Dale wrote:

I'm having some trouble with the proper way to run mythfilldatabase (with DataDirect) to update my listings. Right now it runs every day from cron and it gets listings 14 days into the future. However, some of the channels come back as "No Data" at around 12-14 days (I guess the listings for those channels aren't known that far into the future). As the days pass, this data propagates closer and closer to the present, even though mythfilldatabase runs every night. It doesn't re-retrieve the data for the days that are missing though, saying for example: "Data is already present for Fri Jul 15 2005, skipping".

It always fills tomorrow so the info is always refreshed before the
day for recording arrives.

What can I do to tell mythfilldatabase to retrieve data for the days that are missing?

With current svn, "mythfilldatabase --max-days 11" would prevent
grabbing the last days where some channels may be missing data
in the evening.

--  bjm
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