> I have picked up a used XBox and will be installing Linux and the XBox
> MythTV frontend.  I have a few questions:
> ...
> 3) I am making my own wiring harness to plug a standard USB socket into
> the XBox controller port (in order to load the hacked game-save image).
> If I can't use the Microsoft IR receiver, is there a USB receiver that's
> known to work with MythTV?

Are you sure that OS and Dashboard version on your Xbox are old enough
to support installation using save-game hacks?  New versions of the
Xbox software are not as susceptible to these tricks.  You might need
a modchip, and newer versions of Xbox hardware aren't compatible with
the open-source Cromwell BIOS.

I tried to use the save-game hacks initially myself, and I ended up
buying a modchip.  My hardware was old enough to use Cromwell.  Then I
installed using Xebian and Mythtv-xbox.
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