Hello all,

Nothing like the season finale of a reality TV show or a full-season-in-one-day Battlestar Galactica marathon to prove how dependent we are on the Myth system - unfortunately, both scenarios resulted in unwatchable recordings yesterday!

The symptom - almost immediately (within a few seconds of starting to watch the recording), the audio and video both briefly appear to 'skip forward' on their own, and from that point on they get more and more out of sync with each other. I am trying to transcode one of the bad recordings now to see if that helps (grasping at straws).

Most of the other recordings on the system play back fine. The only common thread I've noticed is that these munged recordings were recorded when both of my tuners were active (PVR-250 and PVR-350). Is there a way to check which tuner recorded what program? Could my problem be memory-related? I have 512MB in the machine, and it seems to run fairly 'full' - I've seen it at 1% or 2% free when a lot was going on.

Is there something else I should look at for clues?  I'm a wee bit new...

Many thanks,
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