On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 07:29:19AM -0400, Charles wrote:
> Thom Paine wrote:
> >I've been just trying to reinstall following Jarod's guide and I'm
> >getting dependency errors with the kickstart-26 file.
> >
> >Anyone else tried a new install in the last day or so?
> Yep, just last night I ran into the same thing with it and the ATrpms 
> apt package.  I'm thinking that something to do with FC4 got 
> cross-polinated as one of the dependencies was sqlite3, which if I'm not 
> mistaken is the version from FC4.

No, sqlite is in FC3, too. The issue is that the atrpms-kickstart
package needs to be built on a pure FC3 box, and it was built in an
FC3&ATrpms upgraded environment.

I'll rebuild atrpms-kickstart, but you can also just get the apt &
atrpms-package-config etc. and install them with rpm -Uhv.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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