Getting back to my original point.. How many people want to volunteer
for writing up reviews using a remote control and selecting letters
individually? ;)

Nick wrote:

>On 7/8/05, Aaron Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Since the majority of frontends out there are designed to run without
>>keyboards, how many people do you think would actually bother to submit
>>review material?
>On a similar note, do we have some kind of estimate of total MythTV
>users? I think it's a good idea in theory, I' m wondering whether such
>a venture would be sustainable due to a) the total number of MythTV
>users, and b) the proportion of those who would actively contribute
>content, especially if they could contribute.
>Perhaps something that interfaces between the remote-controlled
>frontend and the TV listings would be a suitable application - e.g. a
>central server contains the details of the ratings/suggestions of
>shows/movies that users can make via the remote from their armchair
>when checking the listings (e.g. menu option 'Mark as recommended')).
>A similar feature could then be used to filter future listings to show
>those shows/movies that are recommended or highly recommended by other
>MythTV users but with the option to add opinions which can be read if
>the users so wish.
>mythtv-users mailing list

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