Attached is a modified version of based on the original script created by Dale Glass that's currently shipped in the contrib directory of mythtv. Since I'm neither a Perl- nor a shell-scripting expert, I'm posting it here to get some feedback and will submit it for replacement of the original once any issues that may be identified are worked out. (I chose the users list because many non-MythTV devs have much better Perl/shell skills than I, and it allows more people to play with the script.)

I've made many changes to Dale's script--to the point the current script bears little resemblance to the original (although nearly all of his code can be found in there). The changes include:
- Provides multiple easily-configurable "views"
- System specific information is specified as environment variables
- Uses '-' to separate portions of the filename (instead of '_' since '_'
  is used to replace special characters (such as the space character))
- Shows recording year
- Shows end time
- Separates date and time info
- Removes trailing separator (i.e. for movies, which have no subtitle)
- Adds an optional extension (for specifying filetype to Windows)

Current views include views sorted by record time, title/subtitle, recgroup/title, category/title, and title/original airdate. Comments in the script explain how to add views, and modifying/removing views is very straightforward. The only required edits should be (barring bugfixes) to the environment variables at the top of the script.

Feedback is appreciated.


BTW, regarding the original airdate view:
The most useful view has recently become the original airdate view. Now (in relatively recent CVS/SVN) original airdate has become (at least semi-)reliably populated. (This is true for DataDirect users--I don't know if it's also true for people using other grabbers.) It's great to be able to use Samba/NFS to download copies of the recordings to my laptop when going on trips and have the recordings sorted in the order I should watch them. Note that if you have NULL or 0000-00-00 values, they will appear as 0000-00-00. Eventually, through attrition, most recordings will have original airdate data. For those existing recordings that you plan to keep and that lack original airdate data, you can use episode lists at to edit the originalairdate field of the recorded table. (I did so semi-manually. For movies and shows that didn't matter (i.e. Nova), I set the missing originalairdates to the starttime of the recording, and most other titles only had a few episodes needing info (since the season is over :). For my 99 CSI recordings, I just used vi to transform the "All Seasons" episode list into a bunch of SQL statements that did the edits for me.)

# Creates readable symlinks referring to MythTV recordings
# Based on the script by Dale Gass
# Modified by Mike Dean
#  - Provides multiple easily-configurable "views"
#  - System specific information is specified as environment variables
#  - Uses '-' to separate portions of the filename (instead of '_' since '_'
#    is used to replace special characters (such as the space character))
#  - Shows recording year
#  - Shows end time
#  - Separates date and time info
#  - Removes trailing separator (i.e. for movies, which have no subtitle)
#  - Adds an optional extension (for specifying filetype to Windows)

### Modify these values for your installation ###
# The location of the MythTV Recordings (with "ugly" filenames)
# The path in which the views ("pretty" links) will be created
# The extension added to the end of the links, including the period.
# For no extension, specify '' for the value.
# Enables output for debugging (set to 0 for no output)

### The following directory names and formats may be customized ###

# Formats may consist of any combination of
# ${title}, ${subtitle}
# ${date}, ${starttime}, ${endtime}, ${originalairdate} 
# ${category}, ${recgroup}

# Files will be sorted "alphabetically" so the appropriate fields on which you
# would like to sort should be placed at the beginning of the format

# Formats of the individual fields were chosen to minimize confusion caused by
# use of different sorting algorithms by clients (i.e. alphabetically versus
# alphanumerically).

# To add a custom format, simply include a directory name and format in the
# environment variables below.  (Whitespace separates the values.)

# The names of the directories containing the views
# The formats used for the respective directories specified above

### These values most likely do not need modification ###
# The name of the MythTV database
# The database username and password


for dir in ${DIRECTORIES}
  rm -rf ${VIEWS_PATH}/${dir}/*
mysql -u${MYTH_DB_USER} -p${MYTH_DB_PASSWD} ${MYTH_DB} -B --exec "select 
chanid,starttime,endtime,title,subtitle,recgroup,category,originalairdate from 
recorded;" >/tmp/mythlink.$$ 
perl -w -e '
  my $mythpath=$ENV{'MYTH_RECORDINGS_PATH'};
  my $viewspath=$ENV{'VIEWS_PATH'};
  my $extension=$ENV{'EXTENSION'};
  my $debug=$ENV{'DEBUG'};
  my $dirs=$ENV{'DIRECTORIES'};
  my $fmts=$ENV{'FORMATS'};
  my @directories=split(/\s+/,$dirs);
  my @formats=split(/\s+/,$fmts);
  if (!-d ${viewspath}) {
    mkdir ${viewspath} or die "Failed to make directory: ${viewspath}\n";
  foreach (@directories) {
    if (!-d "${viewspath}/$_") {
      mkdir "${viewspath}/$_" or die "Failed to make directory: 
  while (<>) {
($chanid,$start,$end,$title,$subtitle,$recgroup,$category,$originalairdate) = 
split /\t/;
    $start =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
    $end =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
    $subtitle = "" if(!defined $subtitle);
    my $filename = "${chanid}_${start}_${end}.nuv";
    do { print "Skipping ${mythpath}/${filename}\n"; next } unless -e 
    $end =~ /^........(....)/;
    my $endtime = $1;
    $start =~ /^(........)(....)/;
    my $date = $1;
    my $starttime = $2;
    $originalairdate =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
    $originalairdate = "00000000" if(($originalairdate eq ""));
    for ($i = 0; $i < @directories; $i++) {
      my $directory = $directories[$i];
      my $link=$formats[$i];
      $link =~ s/(\${\w+})/$1/gee;
      $link =~ s/-$//;
      $link =~ s/ /_/g;
      $link =~ s/&/+/g;
      $link =~ s/[^+0-9a-zA-Z_-]+/_/g;
      $link = $link . $extension;
      print "Creating $link\n" if ($debug);
      unlink "${viewspath}/${directory}/${link}" if(-e 
      symlink "${mythpath}/${filename}", "${viewspath}/${directory}/${link}" or 
die "Failed to create symlink ${viewspath}/${directory}/${link}: $!";
' /tmp/mythlink.$$
rm /tmp/mythlink.$$

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