On Tuesday 12 July 2005 08:07 pm, Gregorio Gervasio, Jr. wrote:
> >>>>> Michael T Dean writes:
> m> Paul V. Gratz wrote:
> >> Is there any way that I can set it up so that the master backend
> >> always records or is used for Live TV unless it is already being
> >> used for a recording?  I'd like it if the only time I'm using the
> >> Slave's TV card is if the Master has already started recording
> >> something.  I've done a bunch of searching but I've had no luck
> >> finding a solution for exactly my problem.
> m> Sounds like someone selected, "Avoid conflicts between live TV and
> m> scheduled shows."
> m> If enabled, live TV will choose a tuner card that is less likely to have
> m> scheduled recordings rather than the best card available.
> m> (basically, it chooses the lowest-priority available card for LiveTV).
>         I don't think this will help him.  I think what he's seeing *is*
> the default behavior -- LiveTV has a preference for local cards and
> his frontend and slave backend are on the same host.  However,
> recordings should still use the master backend's card first (assuming
> it's the lower-numbered card and no changes to card priorities).
>         Since it's only an issue with LiveTV and there are only two
> tuners, it's easy enough to just hit 'Y' to change cards.

Oddly I missed seeing that someone replied to my original email, sorry about 

Hmmm I'll try both of these tonight and report back. It sounds like the "Y" 
key might be enough to do it, I'll have to map that to my remote.  I'd still 
rather not have that be the default action.  Actually I think the only time 
I'd like to use the TV card in the slave machine is when I'm recording on the 
master.  I'd also rather not record with if at all possible.

Thanks for any help!

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