Quoting Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Derek Battams wrote:
Quoting Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
The interval begins from the time of the showing that was selected
when the rule was created. If you created the rule on a Wed. showing,
for example, a Monday or Tuesday recording would be the end of the
week and Wednesday would start a new interval. Go to the options
page for a showing you will see the find time in the subtitle:

Best Week Ever
(Fri, 11:00pm or later)
   Airdate: Fri Jul 15 ...

On the details screen it shows "Mon, 00:00 or later", which seems correct. I

Huh? How did you come to that conclusion? Unless you chose a late
Sunday night showing at the stroke of midnight, that's hozed. It
should have been Mon, 09:00 pm or later.

The find id is 732501 (7/9/2005).  Not sure if this is correct?

July 9th would be a Saturday. It is not correct.

Remove the rule you have now, look up the 9pm Mon showing and
create a new rule. After creating it, go back and you should
see "Mon, 09:00 pm or later" and the findids for this week should
be 7/11/2005 and 7/18/2005 for next week.

If it's "00:00" again, it may be the result of the find time and
date not getting saved or your database schema didn't get updated
properly or something. If it's still "00:00" then send the
output for:

$ mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
mysql> select * from record where title='Your Show Title'\G

--  bjm

Ok, did as you said and this time it seems like everything is correct.  I
deleted the current rule and went to next Monday's airing and setup a 'find one weekly' rule. This time it shows "Mon, 21:00 or later", which is correct. The
find id also shows 7/18/2005.  I chose 'none' for the duplicate check method
and the scheduler chose to skip the Monday airing in favour of the Tuesday
airing (due to conflicts for next Monday) and it also skipped the Wednesday
airing, as expected.

It's probably worth noting that the only difference between the way I set it up
this time and last time is that this time I setup the schedule rule via
mythfrontend (the EPG), whereas the first time I did it via MythWeb.  Might
there be a bug with the way MythWeb schedules these types of recordings?

 - Derek
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