On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 03:13:26PM +0100, George Styles wrote:
> Hi,
> Im using quite an old version of MythTV (just before the big DVB
> patch, as I want to be able to record radio from DVB).
> I dont use the mythfrontend at all, instead I use mythweb to schedule
> shows, and a custom script to rip them out as mp3/divx/mpeg.
> Is there any way to tell MythTV to record all shows (even those not
> yet in the listings) containing a given keyword (eg everything that
> has "Open University" in the title?
> If so, i assume I would need to either delve into mythfrontend, or
> insert the SQL manually to do so.
> If this is possible, would the programs show up in the scheduled
> recordings listings in mythweb?

You can do this with tvwish, which should still work with 0.16, though I
must admit I don't test it against that version any more.


(bad news, web server currently hacked, should be up later today)
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