Hi folks

Recently there was a thread that went around about using x-dsl as a
lightweight mythtv frontend for the xbox. It seems that this turned out
to be a lot of effort for not a lot of reward, so I'ms looking at

Basically, I don't believe that xbmcmythtv is there yet as an
alternative to a proper myth frontend, so I'm looking for an xbox linux
distro that boots in say 15-20 seconds. I've looked into slax
(specifically sxbmini), and it would seem to meet these criteria - it
boots in around 20 secs without any optimization so far. Xebian by
comparison takes about 90 seconds to become functional.

I've got some idea of where to start building a slax module for
mythfrontend, but wondered if there were any other slax module guru's
out there, or just linux gurus in general who would be able to validate
my approach.

I intend to take the output of ldd for the mythfrontend binary, and all
related config files to those libraries identified and package them into
a slax module. If I then just drop that module into the modules dir,
slax will on boot unpack it and merge with the rest of the live distro.

If I do this (with some assumptions about libc/deep dependency versions
etc.) can anyone more knowledgable verify that it will work? I'm
assuming that this is all that the packagers such as dpkg and rpm do,
but in a more granular fashion. I want a one-hit custom package that
contains mythfrontend and all its dependencies - whether right or wrong
from a purists point of view :-).

I'm going to have a go at this anyway, but suggestions on potential
pitfalls that I might run into, or better ways to approach it are

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