Brett Stevens wrote:

Hi sorry if this has been asked before but Im at the end of my whits now.

Ive been fiddling around for about 3 weeks trying to get myth working. Firstly I got a semi supported card (dvico fusion plus).... one week later
got that working.
sorta. using tzap and xine (No sound)

Anyway figured id go on with myth and cover the sound problem later. Ive now
spent 2 weeks on trying to configure tv. Got just about everything else
working (dvd's ripping weather rss and browsing) still no tv.
Ive read about a thousand howto's and they mostly talk about entering the
video and audio pids.

Unless Im completely stupid (quite likely these days) I just cant find
anywhere to add them
now getting desperate as the wife wants to know where the money and time as

Ive been using this guide to configure as this seems to be a little more
accurate for Australia
thanks In advance

Brett Stevens is a good resource, and it got me working.

I just got a Twinhan DVB-T card working (in Australia). What I did first was get it working outside of myth. If you have had success with tzap, now use scan to generate a channels.conf file, example...

./scan dvb-t/canberra-au | tee mychannels.conf

Scan is one of the standard DVB utilities (see - maybe download the linuxtv-dvb-apps just to get the readme on scan) The canberra-au example frequency list should be close (for me - just the SBS freq was wrong, but once I corrected that, all went well)

The channels.conf file goes in various directories, depending on what app you are using, for example, put a copy in ~/.mplayer and also one in ~/.xine.

Another good test for the basic DVB functionality is to fire up kaffeine. If DVB is awake and available, there will be a DVB tab in kaffeine, and it can scan for, and play TV for you (as well as record and timeshift).

If it is all working, then when you run mythtv-setup, you can import the channels.conf into the channel setup section. This is where didn't work for me. In the channel setup section where he manually configures the channels, I imported the channels.conf (I think the option to do that was under an advanced button) Must be a feature in later versions of myth - mine is .18.1

The only left to do then is get the tv grabber working. When you have it working and retrieving XML, go into mythtv-setup, set it up as a source, then go back to channel setup, and enter the XML ID for the channels with guide data. I grab data from, and I get program info for all the basic channels.

That's a brief rundown, and even recalling that tested my memory. I am gald though, because will need to be able to do it again for myself. If you need further explanation, ask away, I'll try to help. The frustration from my experience, is still fresh in my mind, and I would have been glad of any help myself :-)
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