Like i've seen on your screenshots, you have added some other emulators.

if could describe wich emulator to use for what system and how to configure, you could add it on my info page

Greg Estabrooks schrieb:

this, especially Sega MegaDrive/Genesis support via GENS, but I am unclear about adding a game starter to mythtv. Maybe you could elaborate

Note this requires the latest SVN version of mythgame but the following are the basic steps. I've also got a couple screenshots
up at .

I just added mythgame7,jpg and mythgame8.jpg which should show you what I describe below.

Go into Settings -> Game Settings -> Game Players

Click "New Game Player"

Fill in the following:

   Player Name : Any thing you like. This is how it will be labeled
                 in the GameTree and in the Player List.

Type: Set it to Genesis/Megadrive. (You can use other if you are adding a emulator that doesn't have a type listed)

   CommandLine:  Fill in the path/command for this emulator and any options.
%s can be used in place of the romname or if left off will automatically be added to the end of the command.

               For Example my znes Commandline is this:
                     /usr/local/bin/zsnes -m -j -cs %s

   RomPath: Path to where the roms for this emulator. This will be recursively
               searched so they don't all have to be in the single directory.

   SceenShots: Path to where screenshots are located(not required)

   Working Directory: If you need the current directory changed before running
               A game or emulator you can place the path you want to change
               to here . (not required)

   File Extensions: Fill in what extensions should be considered to be
               roms for this emulator. If left blank then any file regardless
               of name found will be considered a rom for this emulator.

My list for zsnes is zip,smc,sfc,fig,swc.
               I will make this field auto fill in for the defined gametypes
               and you will still be able to add more if you wish, I just
               haven't gotten around to that yet.

After you have added your emulator(s) then just run Scan for Games and you should be good to go.


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