I am seeing a problem when playing recorded files, where if I Alt-Tab
to another window like xterm, the box where the xterm window was is
now a black box in the video after switching back.    So, if any other
window is shown on top of the video, I can't see the video in that
area any more.

Strangely, I don't see this effect at all when viewing live video.  I
can switch back and forth between windows without any problem.     Is
anyone else seeing this?

My system info:
MythTV Version: latest svn snapshot from last night.  I also saw this
using 0.18.1
Linux/Kernel:  Ubuntu linux, x86-64,  kernel 2.6.13-rc2-mm1 (using
this version for a needed DVB driver)
Video:  NVidia FX5200, with Nvidia 1.0-7667 drivers.  I see this
effect both with XvMC on and off.
Card: FusionHDTV3 QAM, using DVB driver
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