On 7/15/05, Drew Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After you make the cable as described on the dtvcontrol web site, then
> you need to find the proper perl script that changes channels for your
> DirecTV box.  For example, my box is an RCA 4th gen receiver so I tried
> the RCA.pl script.  No go.  The sony.pl script works on this box.  Just
> run the script and pass the channel number on the command line such as
> './sony.pl 100'.
> Use Google to find the scripts.  As I recall, seems there were 3
> different ones floating around.

The most common receiver sold is the D10, and ther'es a control script
for it in the contrib directory for myth.  That script *should*
control everything except for some sony units.
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