just an FYI, my slave backend shows up as the 1st tuner device in the
tuner list but is still recognized as a slave backend. Tuners 2 and 3
(local master recorders) still take precidence over tuner 1.

On 7/18/05, Alex Brekken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys, here's some background info first before I get to my
> questions:  I'm running a combo frontend/backend machine on FC3 and
> Myth 18.1 ATRPM's using Jarod's guide.  This box has 1 PVR-250 tuner
> card.  All is working very well, but I've been yearning for a 2nd
> tuner so I decided to setup a slave backend which will connect to a
> 2nd cable box (moto 6200) via Firewire.
> So, I've got the slave box setup with FC3 and Myth 18.1, and I opened
> up the security on the MySQL DB on the master machine to allow other
> connections from my internal network.  (per the Myth documentation)
> The IP of the master machine is and the IP of the slave
> is  These are static IP's assigned by the router.
> On the mythtvsetup for the master, I changed both the "this machine"
> and "master backend" IP address fields from to the "real" IP
> of  Fine, no problems yet.  Then I go through
> mythtvsetup on the slave, and assign the "this machine" field to
>, and the "master backend" field to  Makes
> sense so far, right?  However, when I start mythbackend on the slave
> box, it starts as the MASTER SERVER.  What!!??  I've double and
> triple-checked the IP addresses to make sure I didn't make a typo
> anywhere, but I didn't.  My admittedly simplistic understanding of
> this is if the 2 IP addresses are different in the setup, then
> mythbackend assumes it's a slave, but if they're the same then it
> assumes it's the master.  The IP's in my slave setup are clearly
> different (and correct), but yet it still thinks it's the master.
> Some additional info:  Neither of these machines have a real hostname.
>  Both are localhost.localdomain.  This caused a problem for me
> initially when doing mythtvsetup because the setup thought they were
> both the same machine - each setting I changed would be shared by the
> other.  I then modifed the mysql.txt file on the SLAVE box, by
> uncommenting the LocalHostName field and setting it to "slave."  Now,
> the setup appears to be correct, except of course that the slave
> backend starts up as the master server.  (might this initial confusion
> have hosed something up?)
> Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I'm
> absolutely baffled my this.  Setting up a slave backend seems like a
> fairly straightforward thing, so I'm surprised that I'm hitting this
> roadblock.
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Loren H. Burlingame <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Key ID: 0x112DCF4F
"Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes."
   -William Shatner (a.k.a. Buck Murdock)
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