On 7/19/05, Donavan Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/19/05, Jake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Things are slowly moving forward.  The adoption rate wasn't what
> > > they'd hoped but they're in things for the long haul.  I *do* know
> > > that podcast support is being actively worked on.
> >
> > by adoption rate do you mean the number of people that subscribed to
> > the LxM suite?
> Yep
> > i think many people are in a wait and see state like myself.  at
> > present i really don't see much incentive to subscribe but the minute
> > i see something that is "must have" from them i'll definitely take the
> > plunge.  though i don't think for me personally some pretty looking
> > themes is my "must have" item, the podcasting could be.
> In order for there to be significant bounty action there has to be
> enough money there to pay the bounties.  The problem with the "wait
> and see" attitude is that it slows things down.  That's not saying
> they're not funding development, they are, it's just that everything
> they fund comes out of their pocket.
> The whole idea behind the LxMSuite stuff is to allow users to fund the
> development of an open source product. Not "what do I get for my $5 a
> month?". The value lies in seeing what you care about get worked on.
> > personally, i'd just be happy if in mythvideo i could filter by a few
> > more criteria such as actors or directors or even parental rating.  i
> > know, i know, you'll be waiting for my patch.  i just haven't had the
> > time to write it yet ;).
> Nope I'm waiting for your subscription to  LxMSuite so they'll be able
> to fund bounties and pay one someone to write it for you. ;)
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I know this may go against the philosophy of LxMSuite, but perhaps
there is a second way to generate funds.  For those that don't really
need the enhanced listings (those in other countries), maybe there
could be a one time price per download.  For instance, $xx for a
LxMSuite theme, $yy for a LxMSuite module.  This may encourage those
sitting on the fence to throw some money in the pool.  If a user finds
that they are buying several of the themes/modules and are pleased
with the quality, then perhaps they will jump over into the monthly
fee group.
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