I can't say exactly why I am having as many issues FC3 as I have, FC1 and FC2 were quite stable for me as were RH 7, 8, and 9. But of all the Redhat products I've used in the past FC3 has been a real problem child for me. Perhaps I should revert to RH 8 or 9. While I can't exactly say myth is a mission critical system, I would like to have 95% up time. I only have tried to install myth on FC3 which is pretty much where the problems began. It could be that I have a knack for breaking things, I do after all have several years of software testing experience. Or it could be that the installation guides have a bit ambiguity contained in them. Or it could be that FC-x and myth are not fully developed and bug free systems. Then again if could be any combination of the above. But probably most likely is operator error.

In any event, the current install is highly unstable and instead of spending days researching the issues, the path of lesser resistance and time spent is a reformat or partition and install of the OS.

The question remains, fc3 or fc4 for myth?

I'm opting for fc4.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bryce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion about mythtv" <mythtv-users@mythtv.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Myth tv ready for FC-4 ?

On Wed, July 20, 2005 12:36 pm, Todd Bailey said:
OK, once again, and right on schedule fc-3 is corrupted beyond anything
a full reinstall.
I am wondering since fc-4 had been out for a while I might as well burn
cd's and upgrade to the latest.
Is myth fc4 ready, meaning it will install what it's needs to run or will
have to recompile a fair bit of code to get a install completed?
Any gotchas to avoid ?

I've got to ask, what do you mean by fc-3 being corrupted? I've never in
all my years of working with linux servers and desktops had a machine get
corrupted to the point of needing to re-install, especially any of the FC
releases.  I'm running a fc-2 box that was upgraded from fc-1 as a
server/workstation/hack & test/you-name-it machine. I've used yum and
apt-get, switched repositories, added stuff from source, etc. and it's
perfectly stable (up 130+ days now with heavy usage). The only reason I'm
even considering a re-install or upgrade is due to fc-2 moving into legacy

Bryce T. Pier
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