Phill Edwards wrote:
>>I'm having problems getting my DVB-T card to display in MythTV.
>>It works using mplayer from the command line, but MythTV displays a
>>black screen for about 15 seconds and produces the error messages I list
>>at the end of this email.
>>Has anyone experienced this?  What causes this error?  Can I fix it?
> Not an expert at all in this, but have you set up the card and done a
> channel scan in mythtvsetup so that it knows what channels are on what
> frequencies? Perhaps it can't find a channel to tune to.

So far as I can tell, mythtvsetup has worked OK.  The Channel Editor is
full of channels, some of which  I've never heard of, so I assume it's
picked them up off the transport.

I think the important error messages are:
2005-07-22 21:14:33.991 write->14 53      QUERY_RECORDER
2005-07-22 21:14:38.993 taking too long to be allowed to read..
2005-07-22 21:14:43.995 taking too long to be allowed to read..
2005-07-22 21:14:48.995 taking too long to be allowed to read..
2005-07-22 21:14:48.995 Took more than 10 seconds to be allowed to read,

But I can't figure out what's going on (or not going on) to be able to
fix it.

If anyone has seen this problem, how did you fix it?

Graeme Hilton
mythtv-users mailing list

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