On Friday 22 July 2005 09:52 pm, Chris Lopeman wrote:

> Are any of
> you using it successfully with HDTV?

Yes. I have a master and slave backend, each with an HD-3000 card. I
plan on moving both cards into a single system soon. I had them
separated because I was concerned about excess heat buildup, but I no
longer believe that was a problem.

Because I have only a standard TV, I watch HD shows on the various
computers scattered throughout my home. The front-ends vary from a
Athlon 1800 to an Athlon XP 3000. An Athlon 2000 has an nVidia FX5200
and can display HD shows with ease using XvMC. Another Athlon 2000 has
no hardware assist, but can display 720p with no problem. The Athlon
3000 has an ATI video card, so it has the "pink bar" problem with
widescreen shows; otherwise it is fine.
Ray Lischner
mythtv-users mailing list

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