Todd Ignasiak wrote:

There is a known problem with pthreads in Debian based AMD64 systems. I have installed the patch, and I no longer get the black screen /
failed live-tv viewing.   Here is a link with some more info, and a
MythTV patch to work around it:

Based on all the search hits I got on this issue, I know it has
frustrated others, and I certainly spent a lot of time diagnosing it. It would be nice to have some sort of method to help people with
these, and other, known issues.   Such as:  a support
document/database listing issues per platform;  A check in 'configure'
that does a "if arch=athlon64 and distro=debian then warn user about
problem he will definitely have but is hard to solve"; or some
#ifdef's in the code to incorporate the workaround for the problem

Is this something that anyone has seen on AMD64 and FC3? I've got .18.1 up and running (sort of) on FC3. Records and such just fine, but live TV playback gives me the color key error, then the following, and craps out. It might play about 1 or 2 seconds of video prior to dying. I've tried XvMC, libmpeg, OpenGL sync, video sync (experimental) to see if it was some combo of options. Another thing I'm noticing is that there are a lot of QT errors after the latest update I did. Finally, this is the latest 2.6.12 kernel from fedora. Is this the same issue or am I seeing something else?

2005-07-23 14:22:55.947 Using XV port 241
2005-07-23 14:22:55.952 Couldn't get the color key color, and we need it.
You likely won't get any video.
2005-07-23 14:22:56.382 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.
2005-07-23 14:22:56.413 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-07-23 14:22:56.513 Video timing method: USleep with busy wait
2005-07-23 14:22:56.547 prebuffering pause

Video hangs here and 10 or 15 seconds go buy and then I see this

2005-07-23 14:23:16.413 ReadStringList timeout (quick).
Remote encoder not responding.
2005-07-23 14:23:16.413 WriteStringList: Bad socket
2005-07-23 14:23:16.413 ReadStringList: Bad socket
Remote encoder not responding.
2005-07-23 14:23:16.414 WriteStringList: Bad socket
2005-07-23 14:23:16.414 ReadStringList: Bad socket
Remote encoder not responding.
ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/include/qvaluelist.h (373)
2005-07-23 14:23:16.417 WriteStringList: Bad socket
2005-07-23 14:23:16.417 ReadStringList: Bad socket
Remote encoder not responding.
2005-07-23 14:23:16.528 Couldn't get the color key color, and we need it.
You likely won't get any video.
QObject::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter
2005-07-23 14:23:16.545 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None
2005-07-23 14:23:16.551 Changing from None to None

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