Nick Rout wrote:

What is the best way to watch recorded programs from MythVideo while preserving cutlists and commercial flagging? Is it to export them with some program or is there a naming convention used with the Internal player in MythVideo that will cause it to respect cutlists? I have some Kids movies that I've recorded and I'd like to have them in the Video Gallery with the rest of our movies but with the cutlists preserved.
I think if you transcode the file it will cut according to the cutlist,
and you end up with the cut and advert-less transcoded file. It'll
probably be transcoded to a more manageable file with a tighter codec
like mpeg-4.
Thanks for the suggestion. I already record in MPEG-4 (bttv capture) so is there a way to apply the cutlist without recompressing everything or should I live with the marginal loss of quality that the possible recompression will incur? I assume I'll have to set up a transcoding profile in Myth first before attempting this?

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