That processor should be fine.  If you're using the hauppauge cards
with built-in MPEG2 encoders, it will not be CPU intensive at all.  I
have a PVR-500 and each stream only consumes <1% of my 2GHz Athlon. 
My old frame-grabber card (using bttv) hogs almost 20% of CPU for the
encoding though.  I have this one set to my lowest priority though so
it is only rarely used.  With your setup, you run a higher risk of
IOBOUND errors to/from the hard disk.  Make sure you get a good one.

The only trouble you might run into is if you want to run 3 commercial
flagging jobs simultaneously on that backend.  If you don't mind
waiting, you can limit the backend to only 1 or 2 flagging jobs at


On 7/25/05, Richard Bronosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Here is my current setup:
>  I'm thinking about going with this processor:
>  It's got a faster clock, fast FSB, but less cache.  12KB+16KB & 256KB vs.
> 64KB+64KB & 512KB  I'd save a few bucks, also.  Is it worth it?
>  I want at least 2 tuners, but I threw in a PVR 350 to get the remote, and
> saved the cost of a video card.  Since I can add an nVidia MX4000 for <$50 I
> think the PVR350 may be a bad idea?  Is there a cheaper way the add a
> remote? Home brew... IR blaster style?  If there is would I be better off
> getting an AGP video card for doing DVD playback?
>  Any other suggestions?
> -- 
>  Thank you for your time,
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>  Nearly all viruses and spyware are designed to use Microsoft internet
> products. Protect yourself by avoiding Internet Explorer & Outlook/Outlook
> Express.
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